Pathway to Freedom

Dr. Ron Luce, CEO, Generation Next

Mingalaba! That’s all I know! I’ve had the pleasure of visiting your beautiful country several times. From Yangon to Pakan and Chin State, I’ve traversed Myanmar, and each encounter with the Burmese people brings my heart closer to yours. Even though we haven’t met, the connection is profound because of my experiences in your country. So, being here to celebrate with you is indeed a joy!

Now, let’s engage our imaginations. Welcome to our new future, where the waves of change continually toss us around. Just when we think things have settled, a new wave emerges. We’ve seen substantial changes in Myanmar and worldwide in recent years. Imagine navigating ten pandemics simultaneously; this is our new normal. How do we build our lives on an unshakable foundation amid these changes? In my book, ‘Faith at the Speed of Light,’ I delve into what churches worldwide are doing to help people ride the waves of change successfully. Their key focus is on reaching and discipling those most likely to follow Christ, creating a substantial pipeline of young, passionate individuals emerging as strong Christian adults. Note the word

“Focus!” They don’t spread themselves thin; they concentrate on reaching and discipling those likely to come to Christ, especially before the age of 20. This is what we’ll focus on tonight.

Matthew 7:24 tells us, “Everyone who hears my teaching and applies it to his life can be compared to a wise man who built his house on an unshakable foundation. ” Jesus emphasized making disciples, not merely organizing conferences. He addressed both the crowd and the disciples, emphasizing that everyone should be a disciple. Acts 6:1 states, “The number of disciples was increasing,” not just converts or attendees.

So, what is a disciple? A disciple is a follower, regularly following Christ, striving to look like Him.

It’s a lifelong pursuit of becoming more like Jesus by learning from Him and experiencing His reality—a pathway to freedom. A disciple is someone who keeps following, imitating His teachings and lifestyle, choosing simplicity over complexity.A follower is a seeker, someone actively pursuing the Kingdom of God. Deuteronomy 4:29 reinforces the concept: “If you seek the Lord your God, you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart. ” Seeking God’s Kingdom draws us away from worldly pursuits.A disciple is also constantly renewing their way of thinking.

In a world with distorted values, Jesus challenged existing mental maps and introduced a new perspective. To be a disciple is to change the way we think about everything, building new neural pathways that align with God’s values.

In conclusion, discipleship involves seeking, following, and transforming our minds. Let’s commit to these principles, striving to follow Christ closely and building new highways of positive thought in our minds.

Listen to full sermon with Dr. Ron Luce (Click here)