
Silver Jubilee Lapi

Jubilee Lapi Free Translation MCC Silver Jubilee Lapi Laphuak:   Pu David Thawng Khan Thang Laphuak Ni: June 25, 2022 Aw: Tune:  Zomi Cultural Tune Dawng 1 na A.    Sian min thei bang ii lawhna aw, MCC pawlpi, Sian vang in kum 25 Silver Jubilee, Tuang hong tung ta, tuang hong tung ta, e. B.    Silver Jubilee tuang hong tung...



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Generation Connection

Generation Connection

This is the group of young people who worship the Lord in the English language every first Saturday of the month. It is also called GenCon. This group is the outcome of VBBI, Summer 2013. In this group, these young people come from different denominational backgrounds. GenCon primarily focuses on the ages of 12 to...

Give Online

Give Online

Molitia modi quae laboriosam nemo minima molestias vitae rerulla eos explicabo optio accusan provident nisi repellend atione ut qui iusto quaerat tenetur veniam quisquam natus nobis esse mollitia at ipsam officiis temibus amet vero quo ex itaque ab nam sit rerum modi asperior edita pariatur maiores magnam blanditiis quis veritatis quibusdam quaerat dele am deleniti incidunt optio omnis ipsa est doloremque nihil.

Prayer Ministry

Prayer Ministry

Prayer ministry is vital for the church. Prayer teams meet every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. They pray for the pastor, church members, building project, missions and the nations. The main focus is that individuals and nations will have peace. Often times, the prayer groups pray for the lost, sick and needy including...

Outreach Ministry

Outreach Ministry

The outreach ministry is to reach neighbors and beyond with the love of God. We are presently looking for a potential leader for this ministry.

Music Ministry

Music Ministry

The purpose of the music ministry is to enthusiastically praise and worship God. All the participants in the music ministry must have a right relationship with God and also must have a desire to praise and worship God no matter what circumstances they face. Coordinator: Lian Sian Thang Haunung (918)899-1516

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry

MCC Youth Ministry meets on every Saturday at 5:00 p.m. The youth group meets at the church to study, worship and praise God together. This youth ministry is reaching other un-churched young people and bringing them into the church. The membership is about 80 young people.